Code blocks in Obsidian notes automatically render with line wrapping. A sensible default of course, but in some cases the line wrapping can ruin the look or legibility of a code snippet. Here is an approach to disable line wrapping on selected notes (using Obsidian 1.6.5 here).

Create a new (or use an existing) CSS snippet in your Obsidian vault's snippets folder (.obsidian/snippets), for example code-blocks.css, with this CSS rule:

/* Don't wrap codeblocks */
.code-nowrap .HyperMD-codeblock,
.code-nowrap pre > code  {
  white-space: pre;

(To activate this snippet, you first might have to reload/enable it as explained in the CSS snippet docs)

Then, on a note where you want to disable line wrapping of code blocks: add a property named "cssclasses" with value "code-nowrap".

That should do the trick.